Crisis & Issues Management

“Over the last decades, reputational crisis and risk has escalated dramatically, introducing an era when the hyper-connected reality requires companies to be prepared to move at the new pace of risk.”

In today’s highly transparent, rapidly changing social and media environment, traditional issue and crisis management capabilities are insufficient. This “liquid” and  always-on era of engagement requires a culture of preparedness. 
Our team has a long experience in handling both crises and long-term issues, as well as advising corporations on how to proactively prepare against them. At V+O, we know it’s not about the crisis, but rather how you respond to it that matters. 


Our crisis communication experts have been involved in virtually every type of crisis situation, including accidents, natural disasters, environmental issues, product failures and recalls, cases of product tampering, consumer boycotts, plant closures, restructuring programs and layoffs. Such situations require the active engagement of top management, and we ensure the involvement of all key people at the right capacity, in order for companies to emerge with their reputation intact and their stakeholder relations unscathed. Following an integrated crisis handling philosophy, we develop tailor-made solutions, based on each client’s specific needs. Preparation, along with a clearly defined strategy to deal with the management of crises and ongoing issues, is key for the smooth and effective operation of a corporation at times of high stress and pressure. We regularly provide counsel to the world’s leading companies and have successfully managed crises in a wide range of areas.

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